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I’m going to spend the rest of my life making people feel less broken.

Have you ever had a dream and didn’t know how you could make it come to life. Along Brooks Road is my dream come true. Writing is simply me, but here is some more about me to keep in mind. 

I am a Jesus loving woman. 
A southern Maryland native!
I am obsessed with my family. 
Coffee and food are a part of my love language. 
Give me a chilled glass of red wine or a mango margarita and let’s vibe. 
Pinterest is my favorite app.
Marshalls and TJ Maxx are my favorite stores. 
I will talk your head off about psychology (cognitive and behavior).
I am an exhorter. Encouraging women is my passion. Hence why I started this blog. Since we got to this part let’s get to the story of Along Brooks Road. Keep reading to get to know me more.  

Get to know me better!


My favorite movie of all time?



My favorite animal?

A cute pup..!

My favorite snack?

Ice cream - Mint chocolate chip


My favorite city?

I have never been, but New York City!

My favorite SoMe platform?

Insta and now TikTok!


My favorite season?

Spring time baby.


Here’s The Story

This isn't my first go around with blogging. In 2015 the nudge to share my story well journey through Fancy and Fearless became my reality. Everything was going great with my blog and also in my life. I felt like my relationship with God was growing. I was maturing in Christ, learning and understanding His word and my gifts, and getting a glimpse of who God created me to be. Then a shift happened in 2018. The foundation that I thought I had was being removed from up under me. You see I was a young freshly saved woman. Looking at the women I was surrounded by; admiring them and looking at their foundation wanting it to be mine. I eventually lost myself trying to be someone else. Not realizing that God saved me to be me, and to have a relationship with me as myself. I was masked. Masking myself to be like everyone else. Masking myself to be what people thought I should be. Masking myself to wrong perceptions of who I thought God wanted me to be and wrong perceptions of who God is. Masking myself to be this perfect Christian woman. I had strongholds that grew deeper and deeper into bondage as I kept the mask on. My personality and character did not change, but my eyesight, mindset, perceptions, and my heart was in bondage.

God said enough is enough. God started to remove the mask, removing me from places, and removing things that were attached to me. I was broken, humiliated, exposed, confused, sad, angry, and in a pit that I never thought I would get out of; BUT GOD! He was removing things to replace. My foundation started to be built on true soil. My relationship with him grew deeper because I was being myself and no one else. I was free in my faith. I don’t mean free in doing whatever I wanted, but free as in no restrictions in my relationship with Papa. Nothing was holding me back to cultivating my own relationship with Him. I was changing. I started to feel like the fiery young woman I was when I got saved. So, how does this tie into Along Brooks Road you ask? Well God told me before “the platform is still there.” I wasn’t the woman I needed to be to do what God called me to with Fancy and Fearless. I had to be transformed before I could blog again, and here we are. Un masked but not perfect. A masterpiece yet a work in progress. Accepted by God no longer inadequate. Assurance of who I am and whose I am. Assurance and understanding of my purpose and gifts. Full of Holy Ghost power and still obtaining more of God as I walk this road to my destiny. I made sure that last year when I launched I was rooted in Christ and my heart was positioned where it needed to be, and a year later we are here and I am a whole new version of myself from launching day. I am still evolving and I am taking you on the road with me. I hope you enjoy the ride. I am, finally!