Three Things I Learned in The Second Quarter
Whew. This blog post was supposed to go live last Friday, but my laptop was not working properly. Nevertheless we are up and running now. Heyyyyyy friend! The third quarter is upon us and I am not surprised. The second quarter has been great to me. I am not going to say it was the best quarter of the year because we all know God has a way of blowing our minds when we least expect it .
I am ready to tackle this third quarter though. I am walking into it with more than I had last quarter. Here’s why.
I learned…
I learned the art of letting people and situations be what they are and not expecting them to be what I want them to be.
This was a hard one for me. I am not going to lie and say that I am a person who can just let things/people go. I am a very hard headed person and it’s not cute. I know God is rolling His eyes at me all the time because I take forever to get it, but once I finally do get it, I get it! I honestly was tired of hurting myself by staying in places that I outgrew and expecting people to see I am worth their time. It came down to me looking in the mirror and seeing that I was the problem. I was allowing people to mistreat and misuse me. I was allowing myself to have an emotional attachment to people/situations that I needed to let go of.I have not unlocked my potential with my ministry, my gifts, and my healing journey.
Potential is defined as having or showing capacity to become or develop into something in the future or latent qualities or abilities that may be developed and lead to future success or usefulness. I have not been showing up in many areas of my life fully and God showed me that. God showed me how good it can get as I was tapping into certain things. I loved how it felt as I was performing certain tasks. I loved the vision God gave me as a result of my “yes.” This was a moment of me saying to myself “Le’nae you have everything you need to yield your harvest, so what are you waiting for?” So, I will not be stalling on some of the ideas and workshops God has planted within me this third and fourth quarter. Get ready! I got down to the root which was fear of failure and self doubt. I will dig into this more later, but I am grateful I can start the uprooting process.
3. I am growing.
I don’t know about you, but I barely stop to see my progress. I did that this quarter, and I have come a long way in certain areas where I used to struggle. My self-esteem, self-love, and self-compassion are the three main areas. My language towards myself has changed drastically. I am more kinder, confident, loving, respectful, and compassionate towards myself than ever before. I can look at myself and believe my words “you are beautiful” and “you are enough.” With that belief it has made me aware of my lack of boundaries and my increase of wants in all forms of relationships. Even though I am still working on comparison, I can say it is not as bad. I am very proud of myself because this area has so many deep roots and I can see/feel the healing.
Tell me what you learned about yourself in the second quarter?
Before you go!
Before you go!
I wanted to share two things I will be intentional with for the month that I would like for you to join in on. It’s only the first week of July, so you still have time to join me!
31 Days of Prayer
Faith Gateway is hosting 31 days of prayer. Join me and thousands of believers as we pray on set topics throughout the month of July. I added the calendar so you can download and print it out. I got this for free because I signed up for their emails. Here is the link to the paid version.
Fully Known Bible Plan.
One of my favorite Christian organizations Chosen and Cherished have so many scripture writing plans that they offer, and I decided to do one next month. I was not disciplined this month, so I am starting over. I picked their Fully Known and Wildly Loved plan. I have added the plan below so you can download and print it out. You do have to sign up for this blog to be able to receive all their free tools. It is worth it!
Now, my Monday Messages will be back next week, but with a twist. I will be breaking down the scripture that falls on that Monday’s date. A little bible study if you will, and if you participated in my fasts or unplugged camp then you know I love to break down scripture! Let me know if you plan on joining me for either of these monthly activities.
Have an amazing weekend love. I pray that this month will be filled with so much love and peace. May this third quarter be the quarter of alignment and resilience for you. I love you!