Wellness Wheel Review Part Two
Sis! I am going to start this post off by saying go grab your favorite drink and get comfortable. As I mentioned in part one, these last areas were the hardest and most vital for my elevation. Let me say this elevation or leveling up is not always something to show on the outside. The true glow up is within. The work or growth that happens within your mind and heart is worth far more than material possessions. I got this part because God corrected me on what is important. Are you ready to see how my life got turned upside down but it was all a part of God’s plan.
Social: Cultivate and discern.
Eight out of ten honey. My relationships did a tremendous change this year. I started this year in a relationship and ended it single. I am honestly pleased with that. I sat back and looked at my patterns/cycles of who I attract and tend to date when it comes to romantic relationships, and I want to end them. I sat back and looked at the things that I do within a relationship that were not healthy, and I am working on myself inwardly. I don’t want to dish out toxicity in my next relationship because that man is my husband and we are not having anything toxic okay. We won't be perfect, but we definitely won't be unhealthy. I gained some really God fearing women in my circle. I am so pleased with having friends that are not my blood that I can connect with on many levels. I was really fearful and indecisive about this. I experienced trauma in this area, so letting people in was a no for me. I didn’t want to get hurt again, but I tested the spirit by the spirit and gained good people in my life. Some relationships with certain people died this year and I am finally okay with that. It was hard, but I gained clarity.
Mental: Love on Le’nae.
Chileeeeeee a seven out of ten. This was the hardest area. I was going to get a lower score because I was a hot mess, but within that hot mess my mind got renewed and free! I was diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder this year. Which I was not expecting. My mind was all over the place and it came down to panic attacks as a result. I have believed so many lies about myself, my life, my future and it showed in my thought life. I had some distorted values and it showed in my thought life too. My mental health was so chaotic it almost killed me. My thought life was the root of ALL my problems. I made the best decision by getting into therapy because as I unpacked and did the work to heal, I got free. I gave myself a seven because I am proud of my vulnerability and honesty. I am proud of myself for wanting to unpack my thoughts and feelings. I am proud of myself for not hiding what was going on in me and seeking help. I am proud of myself for wanting to be free from all the childhood lies and jacked up values I believed. I am proud of myself for doing the work and still showing up in this space, because I am not perfect and I will never pretend to be. I am a living testimony of God’s grace and love. I couldn’t love Le'nae because I didn’t know who she was and I was trying to find her through fogged/worldly lenses. I can see clearly because I chose to get help and I leaned on God like never before! I chose to fight for my life!
Financial: Discipline and knowledge.
This was the number one area where everything I mentioned above stemmed from. I saved it for last because it was the number one area I was tested in. I gave myself an eight out of ten. Not because I saved a lot of money or gained material things, but because my financial bondage I have been carrying since elementary school which was the spirit of lack WAS SET FREE FROM ME! I want you to understand that the spirit of lack was the root for my inadequacy and my perception/value when it came to money. It was also why I was irresponsible with my money. My finances were jacked up because my view and value of it was. My finances were jacked up because of my lack of faith. All this time I was thinking my income was the problem, but God had to school me. I was the problem. My vision/value of money was the problem. So, as I got free and my values stored to where they should be as a believer I feel so much better as a person. I already started a 21 financial fast. Not because I only want to save money, but I want to be a good steward of what God has given me. I want to get prepared for what God has for me in this area. I want to learn how a believer should handle and honor God with their money! My financial journey is all about HONORING GOD with my money. I also want to be a curse breaker within my family in regards to how I value and handle money. Not the amount of money I have! I know that the desires of my heart will not come if I am not able to do what thus says the Lord. All of this had to happen for God to trust me with more. I know that the life I desire is on the brink because God changed my life in this area!