Living a Full Life and Writing Challenge

Journal Entry…

August 18, 2021
I used to chase and worry about money.

Now, I chase smiles, understanding, healing, and freedom.

I used to think my sensitive ways were a problem.

Now, I know I have my fathers heart.

So empathetic and compassionate.

I hear and see people's pain and I long to help them heal so they can live a free life. 

I want them to no longer be slaves of the pain, voices, trauma, and thoughts that haunt them. 

Because of this I am no longer a slave of the world. No longer distracted by money. No longer in enslavement to the spirit of lack. 

I found my purpose! 

Meeting people where they are so I can discern the root and uproot it.

My favorite part is planting the truth inside them so they can see themselves the way God does. 

Loved, accepted, enough, and not a mistake. 

I thank God for my purpose because without, I wouldn’t be getting free myself! 

My great grandmother passed away last week and as I was reading the preview of her obituary, it dawned on me. She lived a full life. She was a hardworking woman who took pride and purpose in her work. She never let her circumstances cloud her heart or personality. She gave selflessly without looking for a return. With all that is going on within me and around me I want to shift for the better. I too want to live a full life. As I have been learning it has nothing to do with money, possessions, status, or accolades. Living a full life is all about who you are from within. With today being Thanksgiving! I am thankful for the examples I have in my life. The teachings that my family passes on to me, so I can get it. Gosh, I am learning so much. God has been doing a deep work in me. I am thankful for this process! A shift has to take place with my perceptions and living a full life is one of them. 

I wanted to share some examples of what living a full life is all about.

  1. Prioritize your time wisely.

  2. Build relationships over possessions.

  3. Take what you can from life, but always give back. 

  4. Be accountable for your words and actions.

  5. Be disciplined in your personal and professional life. 

  6. Expunge hate from your heart. 

  7. Forgive yourself and others quickly.

  8. Put family first.

  9. Find purpose in your life's work. 

  10. Pursue passions bigger than yourself. 

  11. Let go and let God. 

  12. Lead by example.

  13. Strive to improve a little bit everyday.

  14. Chase your dreams and never quit

I don’t want to let distractions keep me from my best. I will be taking heed to some of the things I learn from the generations before me to live a full and purposeful life. I pray you do the same sis! Happy Thanksgiving! I pray your day is filled with love, peace, gratitude, and laughter!

Don’t go sis. I have an announcement!

The time for reflection is upon us! I have been wanting to do this for a while. I am so excited to share that I am launching a writing challenge. You know journaling is my jam and doing the work is what I am about, and journaling is the tool I use. You only need to sign up if you want to have virtual coffee/tea with me on December 19, 2021 for open discussion. The information is below! I hope you join me as we #dothework before the new year! 


Click the link below for more information!


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