My 2022 Wellness Wheel

I am in love with the wellness wheel and will never go back to the traditional way of setting goals and vision boards. As I mentioned last year, I am more focused on creating new healthy patterns that set me up to live an abundant life. A healthy life. A fulfilling life. These patterns also set me up to achieve lifelong goals. So many of you loved this idea last year and actually made one of your own. It makes my soul happy to see you use these tools. I am highly considering doing a workshop next year on the wellness wheel. I think it would be fun, but let’s get to it. 

I did add one new category to my wheel, but the rest remains the same. We have spiritual wellness, financial wellness, intellectual wellness, physical wellness, mental wellness, emotional wellness, social wellness, and occupational wellness. 

  1. Spiritual wellness : Fuel my spirit with God’s word and presence.

  • Meditate on His word day and night

  • Do more Bible Studies

  • Fast on Wednesday’s and quarterly

  • Morning and evening prayer

  • Get up at a decent time to have uninterrupted devotional time

    2. Financial wellness: Be a good steward over my finances.

  • Create and stick to a monthly or weekly budget

  • Pay my bills on time

  • Tithe 

  • Put money in two of my goal saving accounts

  • Use my cash envelopes

    5. Intellectual wellness: Sustain in my education program all year. No breaks! Keep sustaining my hobbies. 

  • Liberty University (Junior. I am almost there)! 

  • Reading more books than I did last year

  • Blogging. This is my year to get paid partnerships. I am proclaiming it! 

    6. Physical wellness: Create and be disciplined with a healthcare regimen. 

  • Find and take required supplements

  • Eat breakfast every morning

  • Introduce more healthy food/juices to my body

  • Exercise regularly. I am not going to set a certain number for this because it is too much pressure for me right now. I just want to move my body more.


5. Mental wellness: Renew my mind. 

  • Speak affirmations out loud everyday

  • Carry scripture and affirmations flashcards

  • Do my weekly check - in’s

  • Practice gratitude journaling 

  • Meditate daily or weekly. I have been loving doing breath work meditations.

  • Unplugging from social media once a week and two weekends out of the month.  

    6. Emotional wellness: Learning and practicing self love.

  • I haven’t loved myself fully my entire life. This year I am going to do just that. Learning more about who I am, learning how to make myself feel good on the outside with simple things, learning my personality, learning my likes and dislikes, learning what makes me happy or sad, and what fills my cup. I am really going to share this journey with you all because this world has made self love all about expensive luxury things/items, and I am here to tell you it’s all a bunch of lies. So, stay tuned to see how my emotional wellness is going to help me transform my life! 

    7. Social wellness: Maintain healthy relationships and have more connection with my real life people. 

  • Learn, create, and practice boundaries for myself

  • Learn what my people need, so I can honor their boundaries and love language

  • Unplugging from social media once a week and two weekends out of the month.  

    8. Occupational: Impact over paycheck. 

  • Challenge myself with more therapeutic and addiction groups

  • Take more professional development courses/workshops

  • Avoid overworking myself, find a life/school/work balance

There it is, my wellness wheel for 2022. I am very excited and proud of myself because I was able to learn more about what I needed last year. I am over the moon to see how I create a different lifestyle for myself this year. This year is all about transforming for me! Read my last post here. There is no doubt in my mind that everything I wrote to sustain my wellness this year will not align and shape me to become the woman of my dreams! 

Let me hear what you want to work on this year. I have no problem being your accountability partner to help you flourish this year. I believe in accountability! Have a great weekend love.


Self Love 101


My 2022 Book Line Up