Can I Get A Self Care Menu For One Please
Yes, I have been absent from the blog for two weeks. Don’t be mad, but I have been solely practicing on today’s topic! I find myself transforming into a new version of myself. A version of myself that no longer strives to keep up with society in the realm of influencing! A version of myself that is so compassionate towards myself. A version of myself that is being intentional about staying connected to God and His plan for my life. What I am sharing with you today on self care truly gave me intentional space to tap into this new version of myself! I love it here! The talk about self care is still on the rise. I am going to cut to the chase with you. Self-care is not all about bubble baths, manicures/pedicures, massages, etc. Self-care is so much deeper than that. It is defined as the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one's own health or well being! The superficial things are not going to do it all for you girl, not as much as you think.
I rave about this book every chance that I get. Strong Calm and Confident you by Kelsey Buckholtz. This book helped me so much when it came to this topic because she broke it down in a way I was not used to. Self care does not have to be one way or so linear. I am going to share with you today all that I learned and discovered that has been working well for me!
Strong Calm Confident You
This book is so informative. If you are a person that struggles with Anxiety like I do then this book is for you!
Did you know that there are different forms of self-care that you can be practicing? Yes, you have six types of self-care. Comfort, connection, restoration, distraction, motivation, and release.
Comfort: What comforts you when you are feeling down, anxious, or angry?
Connection: Real life people make all the difference. What gives me connection?
Restoration: What restores your energy? You can't fill your cup up if you are depleted.
Distraction: I need to take my mind off of things. What can I do to distract myself?
Motivation: I need something to keep me moving, focused, or to keep me from getting overwhelmed.
Release: Let it go. What can I do to release this negative energy I have?
You may be asking “Le’nae how do I know which form of self care I need?” I got you girl. Did you forget about my self-care check in’s? If you are new here, I check in with myself three days out of the week. I have journal prompts for the start, mid, and end of the week. These prompts allow me to see how I am feeling, what is not working, what is working, what do I need, etc. If you don’t take away anything from this blog please take heed to checking in with yourself. You are no good to yourself or others if you don't know what is going on internally and externally. Mid week and end of the week check-in’s I pay attention to because my answers will tell me what I need for my self care day’s. To help with this I always set a reminder on my phone to do my check-in’s in the evening. I also put it in my planner on my scheduled day’s. Do what is best for you, but make sure you are intentional!
Here is the best part! Kelsey mentioned a self-care tool kit and I was hooked. I have done this myself and also with my patients and it is an amazing tool. After I check in with myself, I pull out my self-care menu and pick what I need. It can be more than one thing from different areas being done on a weekend. It can be two things from different areas being down at one time. Here is my self-care menu.
This past weekend I cooperated multiple forms of self care for my needs. I unplugged from social media all weekend. I binged watched my favorite shows. I read and finished book number two of my book series. I indulged in my favorite comfort foods. I stayed in all weekend, and enjoyed myself! I needed the alone time. Don’t feel guilty for knowing and acting on what you need to take care of yourself. It may go against the norm, but you are doing it for your wellbeing so do it!
I helped you out girl! I have finally got out of my own way, and created something for the world to use! I created a customizable self care tool for you! These templates can be digital or printable. I have linked a Canva editable template for those who want to customize their own template. I have linked a template for those who want to print this out in color if you want to write it in. In the video below you can see what I did with mine (digital). But, now there is no excuse for you not to set up activities for your me time. You need it sis! Be intentional about what you put down to help you, and enjoy your time!
Customizable Template
This template is through Canva. Don’t worry you do not need to have a subscription to use this. Once you click the link below a new window will pop up. It will ask you if you want to start editing the self care menu. Click use template and it will direct you to From there you can swap my pictures for your own. Change my colors for your own. Edit my activities and replace them with your own. Have fun creating! This is your own menu.
Printable Template
As you click the link you will be directed to a PDF were you can print the menu yourself and fill it in. Have fun and enjoy!