Books with Brooks
Welcome to #bookswithbrooks. A space for the book lovers to get good reads and reviews.
Bookstagram and book blogging are a real thing. It’s a set page and account dedicated to nothing but books. I did not want to create a separate account/website because I believe I can intertwine my love for books on all my platforms. So, I created #bookswithbrooks. A distinctive, creative, and professional page/hashtag for me to still show up in the book world. I am glad you are here. Grab your reading glasses!
Currently Reading
Currently Reading
Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus
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For authors/publishers. My preferred genres are romance, adult/new adult romance, fantasy, realistic fiction, thriller/mystery, and self-help.
When I read the prologue of this book I had envisioned this book going a certain way. I was shocked when it didn’t.