AT The End of The Year I am Still in The Cocoon Stage

Jesus replied, “You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.
— John 13:7

My word for year 31 was bloom. Oh, how I thought I was going to bloom with no restrictions. To be in bloom means to have fully blossomed. I thought I was going to blossom within my journey, career, blog, finances; child just an upgrade within my life period. God had other plans. According to Webster bloom can also mean a state or time of high development or achievement. To my surprise this is what God had in store for me this year, and I am still in it! 

In July God had me look at the stages of a butterfly. He told me I was in the pupa stage. This stage is called the transition stage. When the caterpillar is full grown and stops eating it becomes a pupa. The pupa is protected inside by a cocoon. It looks like nothing is happening during this stage. The pupa is just hanging there, but the changes are happening on the inside. The cells from the earlier stages are now growing rapidly. They will become legs, wings, eyes, and other parts of the adult butterfly. What I carried with me and on me this year is gone, and God is building me up to bloom. I am truly becoming a new being in a new era in this stage of life. I had to get set free in multiple areas from years of bondage. Then I had to eat God’s word to stay alive in this freedom I now have. I had to get new soil and a new foundation. I have to grow new body parts to run my race unhindered. The old Le’nae had to die in order for this new being to be developed. I don’t know how long this stage will last, but I am here. 

I was not happy with how this year turned out. I wasn’t expecting it to be this way. Even though amazing things happened for me, I was expecting more. God however knew I needed this transition in order for me to be the woman He could trust and depend on to accomplish His plan for my life. I needed this year of severe undoing, purging, pruning, shredding, and healing. I needed this year of development and learning. I am grateful for this year! In all my years I have never been more free, clear minded, wise, determined in my healing and actually doing the work, fervent in prayer and fasting, and in love with myself. Earlier this year I was discontent, angry, filled with self-pity, confused, frustrated, and anxious. I thank God that I am none of those things anymore. All because I surrendered to the process. No matter where you are in life or what it looks like just know that God’s plan trumps your own. His plans are not to harm or disappoint you. The process you are in is a part of the plan and it is worth it. You and I will come out in full bloom. We will be different this time because we have been washed clean with all that was in and on us that was preventing us to bloom effectively. We will fly into our destiny, weightless. I love you sis. Trust the process. 

Come back next Thursday to watch my video on my story of having financial bondage. This bondage was the root of half the stuff I mentioned earlier. So, you don’t want to miss it.


The Shedding


Monday Message: Your Position is Important