The Shedding

And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins.
— Mark 2:22

When I think about shedding I visualize an animal getting rid of their skin or fur to bring a new layer. A new layer that is shiny and thick. It has new nutrients and protection to cover them through this next season. 

On October 8, 2021 the day I was delivered from my financial bondage laying on my living room floor, I heard God so clearly. He spoke to me about the next steps to take. He told me “You are free. Walk in it. You need to eat my word so you won't revert back to that little girl. Eat my word so you can stay grounded and focused.” I instantly felt the nudge to get rid of some of the flashcards and affirmations I started this year out with and replace those words with words that I need to sustain where I am now. 

I have a new foundation that requires new soil, new mindsets, new perceptions, and new language. I have shed off the dead/wrong layer of years of bondage, lies, and misbeliefs. I am grateful for this process. I needed this year to be what it was. It brought on severe pruning. It made me shed all that was hindering me from becoming the woman of my dreams. My mind is less tangled and anxious. My language has changed in regards to how I talk to myself and about my life. My vision is no longer blurred. My perception of myself, money, and my life has changed. I am now making room to produce the fruit God wants to produce in and through my life. I am making room for my harvest. I had to change so I wont mishandle what's coming. 

Here are the new affirmations I put up. These words are what I need to nourish my soul, spirit, and mind to not go back into enslavement of the spirit of lack, inadequacy, doubt, and comparison. Oh your girl got free from SO much! These are not all of my affirmations and scriptures and I will share more soon. By all means you can write down what speaks to you. I want you to get, stay, and enjoy your freedom too. 

I am thankful for the shedding! What do you want to shed in your life?


Seven Days In June Book Review


AT The End of The Year I am Still in The Cocoon Stage