Gray Hair Don’t Care Book Review


“At 47, newly divorced makeup artist Lela Bennett is dreading her next steps. Dating. Meeting people. Not letting herself go. But then she runs into Donovan James and tries something different—sleeping with her sexy crush from college. Unfortunately, in a post-orgasm stupor, Lela confesses she was in love with Donovan all those years ago. He responds by leaving while she sleeps. The next morning, her gray hairs are practically taunting her. She knows she has to get it together. Forget men. Embrace her age. Own her gray.”

she was confident she was smart, talented, and decent looking. She just wasn’t sure she was smart, talented, or decent looking enough.
— Gray Hair Don't Care

This was my very first read from Karen Booth and I will be reading the next two books of this series! I loved this book. This was such a fun read. 

Second chance romances are my favorite to read about. Especially when it comes to two best friends falling in love like Lela and Donovan. What I truly loved about this book was that it was from an older woman’s perspective. Lela was getting a second chance at life in general. This was remarkable to read about. She was coming out of her shell and I loved it! 

I enjoyed reading her become and it set ablaze for me to do the same, but now! How Lela feels about herself I can totally relate to. She feels less than, but actually wants to reach her full potential. I look up to her because she doesn't care that she is going for the life she wants at her age. 

Donovon’s story was interesting to read about. It’s funny because a lot of men have walls up. A lot of men strive to not be like their fathers. They tend to close themselves off from love because of all this, but in reality they want to have love in their life too!  I am so happy that he came to his senses and was not afraid to love. 

Good read and I would definitely recommend this book! 



Year 32


Always Better Together Friendship Series